Happiness is a skill,
not a talent

Daylight Coaching helps students and other adults improve well-being and find balance through psychology.

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Personal care

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in Delft or online

Welcome! My name is Dayenne. I am a psychologist and coach for students and other adults who wish to improve their well-being. I believe that we are not merely the victims of circumstance. Who we are and what we do is to a large extent the result of choices we make: You are the creative force behind your own life. Drawing upon ACT,  (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and positive psychology, my wish in 1:1 coaching sessions is to empower you to:

  • Be happier,
  • Be more balanced and 
  • Grow into the person you want to become. 

This process rests on exploring what makes you genuinely happy, exploring obstacles you are facing in the face of pursuing this and how to overcome them. Personal development is a wonderful journey that I would love to go on with you. 

Client reviews

Talking with a coach helped me tremendously. I've become better at managing my stress and dealing with negative thinking.
Amir, student
Industrial Engineering
Ik voelde me direct op mijn gemak bij de eerste afspraak. Dayenne heeft me geholpen om mijn burn-out klachten te verminderen. Ik wilde niet remmen maar dat was wel nodig. Dat is gelukt en nu zit ik beter in mijn vel. De gesprekken gaven me houvast in een pittige periode en daar ben ik dankbaar voor. Ik luister beter naar mijn lichaam en mijn gevoel.
I'm more motivated in my studies and don't judge myself as harshly anymore. Dayenne made me feel comfortable from the first moment.
Psychology student
Ik nam contact op met Dayenne omdat ik veel piekerde en streng was voor mezelf. Ik vond het altijd belangrijk wat anderen van me vonden, terwijl ik ergens wel wist dat het niet heel belangrijk was. Tijdens het traject ben ik mezelf meer gaan accepteren en het lukt me nu veel beter om bij mezelf te blijven. Ik heb geleerd hoe ik goed kan omgaan met negatieve gedachten en gevoelens en kan er ook beter met anderen over praten.
Student TU Delft

What can I help you with?

  • Are you tired of always overthinking?
  • Do you want to be kind to yourself instead of harsh and critical? 
  • Are you experiencing burn-out symptoms?
  • Have you gone through a traumatic experience and are stuck on what to do?
  • Are you looking for help in study-related challenges: fear of failure, reduced motivation, difficulties in creating structure, in planning or maintaining an overview, perfectionism, lack of concentration.
  • Processing impactful life experiences (divorce, relocation, loss and grief).
  • Time and energy management.

Free chemistry call

Are you interested in starting a coaching trajectory but you are not sure yet what your options are? Or are you unsure yet whether Daylight Coaching might be a match for you?

That’s what a chemistry call is for! In this free 15-minute call I can explain some more about what you can expect from sessions together. That way you will be better able to make an informed decision on whether or not to start a coaching trajectory right now.