
Why coaching?

Everyone encounters challenges in their student life. A lack of motivation, sticking with a planning, procrastination, stress and  worrying are among the most common obstacles. My mission is to support you in overcoming personal challenges by sharing relevant tools from psychology with you. As a coach I help you set goals and take concrete steps towards reaching them.

A coach can offer a fresh, non-judgemental perspective. During our working together you will come to understand yourself better and you will become more resilient. My background in psychology allows me to quickly capture connections between your feelings, thoughts and behavior, and I am equipped with the theory & the tools to facilitiate your personal growth.

Central themes in coaching

Maybe you already know which changes you want to make and you need someone to support or structure your progress. Or perhaps you feel that you want to make a change, but you’re not sure what that would look like. I’m here for you in both cases. These are the central themes that I work with: 


Balance comes in many forms: work-life, giving-taking, serious-fun. Let's explore with where your challenges lie when finding balance and how you could draw upon your existing strengths to improve on this. Related topics are setting boundaries, energy management and assertivenes.


Values are personal "chosen life directions". They clarify not just what you do (as goals do), but how you want to do it. Both within your studies and outside of it. Identifying values helps you stay true to yourself and provides confidence & trust in yourself. Related topics are life roles, goals, and authenticity.


Strengths are a great, energizing and fun topic. Everyone has a unique constellation of strengths and I've never met anybody who has no strengths at all. Getting clear on your strengths can pave the way for selecting a career and allow you to make progress toward personal goals faster. A related topic is self-esteem.

Practical side of studying

How do you create a realistic studying schedule before an exam? How do you find motivation and end procrastination? What are good studying techniques? Let's explore your challenges in studying and help you overcome them by using elements from the other three domains: balance, strengths and values. Related topics are personality and decision-making.

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."

Oscar Wilde

Client reviews

Talking with a coach helped me tremendously. I've become better at managing my stress and dealing with negative thinking.
Amir, student
Industrial Engineering
Ik voelde me direct op mijn gemak bij de eerste afspraak. Dayenne heeft me geholpen om mijn burn-out klachten te verminderen. Ik wilde niet remmen maar dat was wel nodig. Dat is gelukt en nu zit ik beter in mijn vel. De gesprekken gaven me houvast in een pittige periode en daar ben ik dankbaar voor. Ik luister beter naar mijn lichaam en mijn gevoel.
I'm more motivated in my studies and don't judge myself as harshly anymore. Dayenne made me feel comfortable from the first moment.
Psychology student
Ik nam contact op met Dayenne omdat ik veel piekerde en streng was voor mezelf. Ik vond het altijd belangrijk wat anderen van me vonden, terwijl ik ergens wel wist dat het niet heel belangrijk was. Tijdens het traject ben ik mezelf meer gaan accepteren en het lukt me nu veel beter om bij mezelf te blijven. Ik heb geleerd hoe ik goed kan omgaan met negatieve gedachten en gevoelens en kan er ook beter met anderen over praten.
Student TU Delft


  • Session (50 min.) €95,00
  • Session (50 min.) – for students €85,00

Prices are including btw/VAT. Please note that coaching is unfortunately not covered by most insurances in the Netherlands.


Working experience

Daylight Coaching was founded on January 1st, 2020. Prior to that I started coaching voluntarily at the university of Groningen in 2019. I also coach students at Wake Up Student Psychology & Coaching which I have been happily doing since April 2020. In September 2021 I joined forces with Psyned, one of the largest organizations that provides mental health care all over the Netherlands and has helped over a million people.

Read more about my working experience and how I got here on the “About” page.