Coach Calendar

You have the power to make this life free and beautiful

Coach Calendar was first created in 2019 to break out of autopilot and notice everyday positivity. I had the wish to share this with others and so the idea became reality.

From December 1st until 24, participants receive a daily e-mail. The e-mail contains a reflection question or action prompt, you can find one example below the yellow textblock on this page.

Frequently asked questions

No, coach calendar is completely free

Absolutely, no problem. Below the daily e-mail is an unsubscribe link.

Absolutely! You are very welcome to join, even if coach calendar has already officially started. Sign up through e-mail or link in bio (instagram) or click on the button below.


We are all capable of moving on autopilot, and that is a good thing. If you deeply think of every thing you see and do, consciously, all the time, that would be very time-consuming and tiring. But sometimes when we are stuck in autopilot, we forget to press pause and savor everyday beautiful moments.


When left to its own devices, the brain tends to focus on negative experiences. This is called the negativity bias. There is no way to remove the negativity bias, but we can counter it by consciously bringing to mind the good things that happen, or by practicing gratitude for example.


The questions and prompts invite you to connect with yourself and important others in your life.

What it looks like